Sunday, January 2, 2011

And It's a New Year!

As with many, I made a mental list of things I want to do in the new year. Not actually writing them down means no one can hold me to them, cause we all know how much we keep to our new year resolutions.

Honestly I never really made new year's resolutions in the past. They didn't work very well so I don't bother setting myself up for that fall.

But I will reach for low hanging fruit and tick off things I know is within reach (and some already accomplished). So, ok fine, I'm making a resolution list and writing it down. Let's see how well this works.
  1. Cook with my slow cooker (check!)
    Made a beef stew with carrots, string beans, bell peppers and mushrooms. I think the key was NOT to be home when you cook it because I was hungry from the smell of the food 3 hours into the 8 hour cooking time. So far a success, will definitely do again.
  2. Exercise more
    Ok, this is probably on everyone's list. I'm back in volleyball so that will help, but I think I need to do more than that to undo the damage of the last 6 months. Goal is to be beach ready by March.
  3. Take a beach vacation
    As alluded to in the previous item, I want to take a beach vaca in March. A good break from the winter cold and the gray snowy skies. Currently thinking Puerto Rico. We'll see if that pans out.
  4. Watch less TV
    and play more piano, computer games, DS games, puzzles, board games, and just about anything else that's not so passive. It's not that I watch a lot of TV. I'm just noticing that I don't diversify in my downtime. TV is so passive and it makes me feel more tired. At least with computer games I'm thinking and moving my fingers.
  5. Keep plants alive / grow new plants
    My basil from last summer became a squirrel's bedding. This summer I hope to have a whole lot more than just one basil plant and wish to keep it alive so I can make lots of food with basil in it. meanwhile I need to keep the spider plants in the house alive. The Turkey Mum has finally passed on after a month, but that's probably actually pretty long for an indoor mum. 
  6. Eat less acidic foods
    Ok now that's a hard one. I've been putting down relatively simple things to achieve on this list so far. But this one is hard. I love my red sauce, chili's, salsas, and the like. But I have to acknowledge the volume and quantity I take in is probably not good in the long run. So I need to set some kind of limit. For now I'll put the limit at 1 of everything per month. No more than 1 trip to Jose's, 1 jar of salsa, 1 jar of red sauce, 1 home made mexican dinner, and 1 pot of chili per month. Vacations are exceptions.
  7. Eat less carbs
    Another hard one, but I think it's a good idea in general. I love my breads, pastas, rice, and potatoes. but I need to reduce the overall intake. And stop eating late at night. 
In reality, 2, 6, and 7 are all supporting 3, so we're really talking about 4 goals here. Given #1 is already done we're really talking about 3. Should be manageable. We'll see.

Happy New Year!

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