Thursday, July 12, 2012

LEGO Mindstorms NXT Icons

One of the major differences between working for a product company and a consulting company (at least for web consulting) is the time scale between design and when the design goes live.

I had done some simple icon design work in support of the LEGO Mindstorms NXT support package for MathWorks Simulink over a year ago.  The idea was to provide icons that help identify each Simulink block which can be sensors or hardware, depending on the system model's need.  After my departure I had no idea if the icons were ever launched.

I just found out it did go live with the March 2012 release and grabbed the screenshots off of the LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT Support from Simulink product information page gallery.

There's also a page on MatLab Central: Simulink Support Package for LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT hardware. It has a screenshot of the library too.

I'm so glad to finally see the work in the product and out in the world. These icons were created as a stop gap measure since we were resource and schedule constrained. I wasn't sure if they would be placeholder icons until someone else gets to them, or if they will actually go out with the product. 

I'm glad it's the latter. It's always such a joy to see your work out in the world. Here's a clearer look at each of the icons designed. 

1 comment:

  1. Margaret, this is so cool! NICE!!! It always feels great to be able to say "I made that" :)-Chinloo
