Sunday, April 3, 2011

KitchenAid KitchenMentor Fridge and iPhone App

Our individual project assignment was to create a touch screen interface with accompanying iPhone app called KitchenMentor for KitchenAid's smart fridge. The goal is to help busy everyday folks manage their food and groceries by providing timely information such as when certain food items are low or out, or will be expiring soon.

Many other features are included, but one of the more interesting things we did was hack PowerPoint to create an interactive prototype/demo. I recorded the portion of the presentation that was the demo in the video below. For some reason blogger's video screen freeze is really pixelated below, but the actual video isn't so bad. Give it a bit of time to load fully before playing for best view experience. :)

The demo is just illustrating the touch screen interface that is mounted on the fridge. There is also an accompanying iPhone app that has a subset of the full functionality the fridge mounted display would have. Here are the samples screens that illustrate taking the user from Home -> KitchenDoc -> Recipes -> Recipe Details.

It's my first iPhone app design. Given Apple's rigorous guidelines on buttons and navigation at the top it looks pretty standard iPhone app. But I was glad I could get the custom colors in there to match the fridge display.

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